The 2nd Annual World Wide Land Transfer Halloween Office Competition was a hit. We hope you enjoy this peek into office culture here at WWLT.
Marc-“Austin Powers”; Jon-“Dr. Evil”; Chuck-“Mini Me”; Ron-“Fat Bastard” ;Kim & Jess- “Fook Yu & Fook Mi” ;Doris- “Foxy Cleopatra”; Tonee- “Goldmember”;Wendy- “Frau Farbissina”; Ken- “Number 2″; Sarina- “Mustafa; Drew- “Random Task”; Kelly- “Ivana Humpalot”; Danna & Ang- “Groovy Girls”; Nikki- Vanessa Kensington; Mr. Biggelsworth- “Mr. Biggelsworth”
Thank you to all who voted in our 2015 Competition! The turnout to vote was amazing! Wish there was such a turnout for normal governmental elections.
The PA office won the competition for the 2nd year in a row with 701 votes (%55.50), while the NY office received 562 votes (44.49%). Both offices had a fun time with the competition and it shows with the creativity in the pictures above. Everyone looks forward to trying to top 2015 next October. Happy Halloween everyone!