Jan 2012
Real Estate Investors- Great Clip

CNBC's Carl Quintanilla moderates a panel on real estate. Many real estate investors got torched during the financial crisis. Is now the time ...

Jan 2012
HARP 2.0 About to assist the “Upside Down Borrower”

Most banks still don't have a set date for when they will be accepting applications for the new HARP 2.0 program, but for ...

Jan 2012
Title Insurance Rates and Where they Come From

With so many home owners currently capitalizing on the low rates and refinancing their mortgages, it is imperative for consumers to understand your ...

Dec 2011
Strategic Defaults – Thoughts

Yesterday on, Kerri Panchuk wrote a piece on Foreclosure Litigation and Strategic Defaults.  Some of the article is quite alarming and only ...

Dec 2011
The Battle to Sink Fannie and Freddie Continues

In regards to today's Wall Street Journal and an article entitled "The Fannie and Freddie Hate Storm" by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. Over the ...

Dec 2011
New HUD1 Form Coming- by CFPB, Provide Feedback asap!

To all those banks, mortgage companies and realtors you don't have much more time to provide crucial feedback or your thoughts on the ...

Dec 2011
Getting Escrow Funds Released From Settlement

Yesterday on the following article appeared and figured it would be wise to add a few points to it. Getting Escrow Funds Released ...

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