Jul 2021
AMENDMENT TO TAX LAW SECTION 1404(A) Regarding Calculation of New York State Transfer Taxes (Grossing Up)

The Good News is that as of July 1, 2021, New York State Transfer Taxes and the Mansion Taxes are no longer grossed ...

Sep 2018
Would you buy a home with bitcoin?

Would you buy a home with Bitcoin? Would you sell your home and accept a Bitcoin offer? This is a guest post written by ...

Sep 2018
Why do I need Title Insurance?

You’re almost done purchasing a home, and you’re wondering: Why do I need title insurance? Basically, it’s to protect your investment. A title ...

Apr 2018
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s…Deal Savers!

Lurking in the shadows of real estate is the enemy of every loan officer, real estate agent, buyer and seller: Captain Complication. He shows ...

Mar 2018
WWLT American Idol: What Makes a Great Realtor/Loan Officer?

American Idol is back, along with its original host, the indomitable Ryan Seacrest, and some added celebrity firepower in the form of Katy ...

Feb 2018
Cryptocurrency and Meeting the “Good Funds Rule”

A underwriter bulletin released yesterday by First American Title Insurance Company provided further clearance on how title underwriting guidelines will view real estate ...

Dec 2017
Fraud caught during a Title Examination

You buy a car. You buy auto insurance. Then when you accidentally back into that fire hydrant (because you couldn’t see it in ...

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