Aug 2011
S&P Downgrade of US Debt is a Joke

There is no short fall of opinion from constituents on their elected representatives constant bickering and political positioning throughout this debt crisis.  That ...

Aug 2011
Selling your Home? How to Choose a Realtor-

Interestingly enough the founder and once CEO of, Colby Sambrotto recently chose to hire a New York real estate broker due to ...

Jul 2011
HUD Makes Amendments to RESPA

There were clarifying amendments made July 11th, 2011 to the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) sections involving “changed circumstances” and the “GFE ...

Jul 2011
Encroachments and Pennsylvania Title Endorsement 301

A home buyer shows up to the walk through the morning of settlement to find the next door neighbor lingering around waiting for ...

Jul 2011
Real Enforcement Coming? Via the CFPB

It seems to be well known that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) intends to be fully operational and hit the ground running ...

Jul 2011
Investors Commonly Misunderstand Cap Rates

In our day to day business we deal with many apartment owners, multi family investors, single family rehabbers and even some commercial office ...

Jul 2011
Private Transfer Fees Now Prohibited In Pennsylvania

Over the last 2 years there has been a strong push across the country to ban private transfer fees and finally this week ...

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