Jan 2019
Dispelling Myths about Purchasing Property in Mexico & Central America

If you’ve ever lounged on a beach in Mexico or Central America, chances are the following thoughts have crossed your mind. I should get ...

Nov 2018
Costly misconceptions about the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

The Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit is a income tax credit that is available for the rehabilitation of historic, income-producing buildings that are determined ...

Sep 2018
Would you buy a home with bitcoin?

Would you buy a home with Bitcoin? Would you sell your home and accept a Bitcoin offer? This is a guest post written by ...

Sep 2018
Why do I need Title Insurance?

You’re almost done purchasing a home, and you’re wondering: Why do I need title insurance? Basically, it’s to protect your investment. A title ...

Aug 2018
Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Regulation (Right Now)

The following article about the state of cryptocurrency regulation was written by Gary Ross and was originally published on UpCounsel. The meteoric rise of ...

Jul 2018
WWLT’s Tech Tip Tuesday: What’s the Deal with Drones?

Today's Fact: 26% of drones in the U.S. are used for real estate; real estate is second among all industries in terms of drone ...

Jun 2018
Philadelphia Transfer Tax to Increase Again!

Please be aware that Philadelphia has increased its share of the transfer tax to be paid at closing from 3.10% to 3.278% effective ...

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